Hayfin Capital Management today announces the successful conclusion of its latest US CLO, Hayfin US XIV, a $487.8 million Collateralised Loan Obligation (“CLO”). The structure will invest in a diversified portfolio of US senior-secured loans. The CLO has a five-year reinvestment period and a two-year non-call, consisting of broadly syndicated loans.

The issuance of Hayfin US XIV received strong investor demand throughout the book-build. Hayfin now manages six CLOs in the US, growing the AUM of Hayfin’s US CLO business to c.$2.8 billion. This sits alongside the firm’s leading CLO footprint in Europe where the team has completed c.€3 billion in total new and upsized issuances since 2018.

Tim Flynn, Chief Executive Officer at Hayfin, said: “Our US High Yield Credit team continues to demonstrate strong performance, driving demand for another successful CLO issuance with Hayfin US XIV. The deal represents a continuation of our active participation in this asset class following the delivery of a number of new issuances as well as significant upsizing of several existing European CLOs this year. As global markets recover further, we expect to see continued opportunities across our CLO platforms.”

For the second consecutive year, Hayfin’s performance in the space has been recognized with a nomination for Best US Boutique CLO Manager in the 2021 Creditflux Awards.

Jefferies acted as arranger for the Hayfin US XIV transaction.