Hayfin Capital Management today announces the reset of Hayfin Emerald CLO IV (“Emerald IV”) in a transaction that increases the size of the deal from €343m to €541.3m. In significantly upsizing Emerald IV, which was one of Europe’s largest CLO issuances since the outbreak of Covid-19 when it priced in July 2020, Hayfin has brought the total AUM of its European Collateralised Loan Obligation platform to c.€3bn across seven deals.

Hayfin has completed four European new issuances and three resets since H2 2020, capitalising on a period of favourable market conditions to significantly grow its capital base and extend its track record of issuance. Emerald IV, which once again attracted strong investor demand throughout the capital stack, will continue to invest in a diversified portfolio of European senior-secured loans and bonds.

Tim Flynn, Chief Executive Officer of Hayfin, said: “An upsizing of this size points to the strength of our platform, which has seen notable growth in the past 12 months thanks to the expertise of our team, against the backdrop of a well-performing European market. We remain confident in the further growth of this platform amid the ongoing recovery in European and global markets.”